Artist Bio
About Amy Maddock
Amy Maddock is an active fine arts professional in the UK. Born in 1997 (4th February) Maddock is an emerging artist, passionate about creating and sharing her vision and work with the world. Currently, she is exploring her own practice and taking on commissioned work whilst also seeking engagement with others in the creative industry. She is open to all opportunities and experiences to further her knowledge and development as an artist.
Younger Years
From an early age, Maddock has always engaged with being creative preferring to draw over other subjects. Growing up in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, Maddock was entered into a three-tier education system which favoured the core subjects, yet her creativity shone through and fully emerged in 2010 whilst studying at County Upper School (BSE). Whilst also being passionate about sports and history, along with many other subjects, Maddock became an avid researcher and basketballer which continues today. Moving through education Maddock attended the West Suffolk College completing an Art & Design Level 3 Foundation Diploma despite having already been accepted at multiple universities. However, this year developed her skills and developed her as an artist, alongside preparing her for a university level of work.

“To be an artist is to believe in life.”
Henry Moore

Key inspiration for Maddock is in the world that surrounds her. History can always be found as an underlying concept, whether that be from classical art to world wars, Maddock strives to convey messages and emotions within her work which often burst forth in an almost comical way yet whilst considered at times 'jokey' her work continues to have serious undertones. Deeply inspired by travel and personal experiences Maddock tends to reflect her own thoughts and emotions often creating immersive pieces to surround the audience. This mainly has developed in her artworks from A-levels sparked by encountering the destroyed remains of Pompeii, where she describes ' the streets and buildings were almost alive, you could feel the life and terror of the people'. She goes onto experience many other cultures and 'moments' like these which influence her work.
Sculpture and installation has become Amy Maddock’s main passion, over the three years of her degree she has developed and explored it's potential, creating a wide range of works exploring different concepts and approaches.
Her lastest installation Fragments asks: Have you ever wondered why there are missing parts in public statues? Why do they have graffiti on them? And maybe - why they are even there and what is their purpose in today's society? These are the questions her current work has been looking to answer. Developed from her research into monumental public sculptures from all era's around the world, she has created a series of random body parts displaced throughout galleries and sites, which humorously undermine the construction of the monumental through a variety of materials, perception and scale.

Since finishing her degree in 2019 Maddock has continued creating. Taking on a number of various commissions she is hoping to make a name in the artworld doing the thing she loves- being creative.